
The purpose of the organization is to promote communication among members and Urology faculty, obtain information about a career in Urology, and promote the profession of Urology to medical students and the community.


The main objective of the Urology Interest Group is to serve students who are interested in a career in Urology. We will meet on a monthly basis. Our meetings will involve physicians talking about their work in the field of Urology, residency, application process, etc. Also, various workshops will be held to demonstrate and provide hands-on experience with the procedural proficiencies of Urologists. Additionally, mentoring opportunities will be available where students can receive career guidance from physicians.

Urology is a diverse field allowing residents multiple fellowship options after their training. More information can be obtained either at our meetings, or at https://www.auanet.org/


Charles Gish and Matthew Frownfelter
Jacob Herriott
Jacob Herriott
Dr. Adam Luchey
Faculty Advisor


Membership shall be open to any medical student.

The executive power of the organization shall be vested in the Co-Presidents. The Executive Board shall consist of the Co-Presidents and the Secretary/Treasurer.

Amendments to these bylaws shall be presented to any meeting by any member and shall be passed after a second reading by a majority vote.

Officers and advisors shall be elected each year and shall be elected by a majority vote of the members.

Duties of Leadership:

The Co-Presidents shall preside at all meetings and serve the needs of the organization as executive officers. It will also be their responsibility to make contact with faculty members for potential meetings and other opportunities in the Urology department.

The Secretary/Treasurer shall record accurate minutes, notify members of meetings, and submit the list of officers to the Student Affairs office. They shall also keep a complete record of expenses, authorize expenditures, plan the yearly budget, provide financial reports, and provide a copy of financial records to the school accounting office.