A headshot photo of Victor Finomore Jr..

Victor Finomore Jr., PhD

Executive Director of Research Operations

Contact Information

Rockefeller Neuroscience Institute


  • Department of Neuroscience
  • Rockefeller Neuroscience Institute
  • Chemical and Biomedical Engineering

Graduate Training

  • PhD, Applied Experimental Psychology (Human Factors), University of Cincinnati
  • MA, Applied Experimental Psychology (Human Factors), University of Cincinnati

Research Interests

Research Program

Human Performance
Physiological Measurement and Assessment
Cognitive Neuroscience

As the director of the Human Performance and Applied Neuroscience (HPAN) research center Dr. Finomore is focused on cutting-edge research related to real-time neurophysiological assessment of cognitive processes across diverse populations (Athletes, Military, Patients and the general Population termed AMP2) to implement individualize augmentation for optimized brain health, human performance, recovery, and resilience. The integration of state-of-the-art sensors and experimental procedures with machine learning based analytics provide greater insight into specific brain mechanism and the selection of augmentations specifically for individuals across AMP2. The HPAN carries out basis and applied research efforts in laboratory setting as well as “in the wild”. Cognitive testing is focused on measurements of information processing such as workload, stress, fatigue, attention, and decision-making. As well as multisensory integration and perceptual-motor tasks.


Google Scholar: Victor Finomore












  • Warm JS, Matthews G, Finomore VS (2008). Vigilance, workload, and stress. In P.A. Hancock & J.L. Szalma (Eds.), Performance under stress. (pp. 115-141). Aldershot, UK: Ashgate.