Structural Heart Disease Fellowship

The Structural Heart Program is a multidisciplinary team that specializes in diseases of the heart valves, walls, and chambers. We use the latest percutaneous catheter-based techniques to treat all forms of structural defects, including aortic and mitral valve diseases, adult congenital defects, tricuspid valve regurgitation, as well as paravalvular leaks.
- Left atrial appendage closure (WATCHMANTM, WATCHMAN FLXTM, and AmuletTM devices)
- Percutaneous balloon aortic and mitral valvuloplasty
- Transcatheter edge-to-edge mitral valve repair (MitraClipTM, NTR, XTR, G4)
- Transcatheter mitral valve replacement (TendyneTM)
- Transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR), including alternative access techniques
- Protected TAVR using cerebral embolic protection
- Robotic aortic valve replacement (RAVR)
- Transcatheter valve-in-valve therapies for degenerated aortic, mitral and tricuspid biological valves
- Catheter-based closure of atrial and ventricular septal defects, pseudoaneurysms, and paravalvular leaks
- CardioMEMSTM device placement in patients with heart failure

Mountaineers know West Virginia University is special.
See cases you want to see, learn from mentors and contribute to your specialty through research. It’s all part of perfecting your skills as a clinician and advancing your career with our fellowship training.
We know that can be demanding, so as you train, we have programs, facilities and amenities to help sustain your growth, on and off the clock.