Pediatrics Resident Scholarly Activity
Shahenda Aly, MD
- John C., Aly S. Ice C., Gebremariam Y., Neal W.. (2013, March). Lipid-lowering Drugs to Achieve and Maintain
Targeted LDL Levels: Experience in a Pediatric Lipid Clinic. Poster presented at: American Heart Association
Epi/NPAM meeting; New Orleans, LA.
- Hypersexuality in Children. West Virginia University; Morgantown, WV April 2012.
Honors and Awards:
- Pediatric Resident Outstanding ITE Score Award (ITE July, 2012): West Virginia University, Morgantown.
Nitin Arora, MD
- Dreher AM, Arora N, Fowler KB, Novak Z, Britt WJ, Boppana SB, Ross SA. Spectrum of disease and outcome in children with symptomatic congenital cytomegalovirus infection. The Journal of Pediatrics. In press.
Wes Branstiter, MD
- CMV Infections in Neonates, WVUH
- Prader Willi Case Presentation, WVUH 2013.
- WVU residency program journal club, WVUH, 2012.
- Admission criteria for ALTE, WVUH 2012.
Richard Brant, MD
- WVU Pediatrics CQI Presentation, May 2013, “Improving Circumcision Experience for Pediatric Residents”
- WVU Pediatrics Chairman Rounds Presentation, May 2013, “Toxoplasmosis”.
- WVU Pediatrics Chairman Rounds Presentation, October 2012. “Eosinophilic Granuloma”.
- WVU Pediatrics Resident Presentation, April 2012, “Ionizing Radiation Risk in Children with Diagnostic Imaging”.
- American Academy of Pediatrics National Conference New Orleans, LA; October 2012,
Poster Presentation – “Buprenorphine; A New Player in Neonatal Withdrawal Syndrome” S. Nanda, R. Brant, P. Yossuck.
- “Corticosteroid monotherapy for occult macrophage activation syndrome: A case report” K. Bingi, R. Brant, L. Costello, R. Livengood, C. John. Submitted to Pediatric Blood and Cancer July 2012
Rafka Chaiban, MD
Makary CA, Chaiban R, Addicks B, Demirdag Y. Antibody Deficiency in Patients with Recurrent or Chronic Upper Respiratory Tract Infections. Submitted.
Chaiban R, Makary CA, Addicks B, Demirdag Y. Evaluation of Allergies in Children with Recurrent and Chronic Upper Respiratory Tract Infections. In preparation of submission.
Chaiban R, Tarabishy Abul R, Demirdag Y. A Rare CNS Complication of Ataxia Telangiectasia. Abstract submitted to 2013 American College of Asthma, Allergy and Immunology. Case report in preparation for submission.
IRB Protocol:
- Co-Investigator, Health Care Disparities Among Residents and Faculty, West Virginia University, July 2013-present.
- Co-Investigator, CARDIAC: Family lifestyle project, December 2011-present.
Oral Presentations:
- Making the Grade: Improving Documentation on the Pediatric Wards. CQI GME Research Week, West Virginia University,
May 2013. - Evaluation of allergies in children with recurrent ENT infections. GME Research Week, West Virginia University, May 2013.
Poster Presentations:
- Primary Immunodeficiency Disorders in Patients with Recurrent ENT Infections. 2013 American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology, San Antonio, TX.
- Evaluation of Allergies in Children with Recurrent ENT Infections. 2013 American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology, San Antonio, TX.
Daniel Crowder, MD
- Crowder D., Gutmann L., Pergami P. (2014) Urinary incontinence in children as a sign of neurological disorders: need for a high index of suspicion. Clinical Pediatrics.
Christopher Mercer, MD
- Mercer, C., Rhodes, L., & Phillips, J. (2012). Automated external defibrillators in West Virginia schools. West Virginia Medical Journal, 108(July/August), 16-22.
Hilary Morley, MD
Posters and Presentations:
- Costello, L; Hurst, K; and Morley, H. PICU Presentation July 2013: Chlorine Inhalation and Submersion Injury. Pediatric Didactics, Morgantown, WV.
- Morley, H; Akers, M; Ali, S; Bingi, K; Branstiter, W; Gannon, K; Lastinger, A; Mercer, C; Sagmoe, A; Samuelson, H; and Brunner, N. Improving the documentation of anticipatory guidance during well child checks by creating note templates based upon AAP Bright Futures guildelines. Graduate Medical Education Week Quality Improvement Fair, Morgantown, WV, May 2013.
- Morley, H; Akers, M; Ali, S; Bingi, K; Branstiter, W; Gannon, K; Lastinger, A; Mercer, C; Sagmoe, A; Samuelson, H; and Brunner, N. Improving the documentation of anticipatory guidance during well child checks by creating note templates based upon AAP Bright Futures guildelines. Pediatric Grand Rounds, Morgantown, WV, May 2013.
- Morley, H. Dishydrotic Eczema. PACC Didactics, Morgantown, WV, March 2013.
- Morley, H. Eczema Herpeticum. Chairman’s Rounds, Morgantown, WV, January 2013.
- Arora, N; Chaiban, R; Morley, H; and Zuver, L. NICU Presentation, Down Syndrome. Pediatric Didactics, Morgantown, WV, October 2012.
- Akers, S; Branstiter, G; Morley, H; Ours, N; and Samuelson, H. NICU Presentation August 2012: Myocarditis. Pediatric Didactics, Morgantown, WV, August 2012.
- Morley, H. and Pragani, J. PICU Presentation July 2012: Traumatic Brain Injury. Pediatric Didactics, Morgantown, WV, July 2012.
Poornima Pandiyan, MD
- “Lichen sclerosus: a familial case report” at the GME week 2012, Resident research day, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV.
- Pediatric Grand rounds: CQI: Making the grade - Improving documentation on the pediatric wards, May 2013.
- Pediatric Grand rounds: Morbidity and Mortality Report. October 2012.
Jaisal Pragani, MD
- CQI: Educating about the dangers of ATVs, GME Week, May 2013.
- CQI: Educating about the dangers of ATVs, Grand Rounds 2013.
- CQI preview: ATV safety, Grand Rounds 2012.
- Anogenital warts in children, 2013.
- Testcular Torsion, 2013.
- Posterior Urethral Valves, Chairman's Rounds, 2012.
- Traumatic Brain Injury, 2012.
- Acute Appendictis, 2012.
- Two-Year Neurodevelopmental outcomes of Ventilated Peterm Infants Treated with Inhaled Nitric Oxide, Journal Club, 2012.
Nischala Rajegowda, MD
- WV AAP and Martin E Weisse Resident Research Competition at WVU :2012 – What is the likely cause of this leg lesion?
- GME week at WVU 2013- Increasing Procedure Skill experience during pediatric residency education.
- Chairman Rounds, Osteomyelitis and Pyloric Stenosis, 2013.
- Metformin and melatonin, 2012.
- Grand Rounds, CQI Project NBN Rotation 2012.
- Pediatrics journal Club 2012 ( Comparative Effectiveness of antibiotic treatment strategies for pediatric skin and soft-tissue infections Williams DJ, Cooper WO, et al Vol. 128 No. 3 September 1, 2011 pp. e479 -e487 )
- Rajegowda N, D'Alonzo WM, Nield LS. What is the likely cause of this leg lesion? (Case with E- Photo quiz). Consultant for Pediatricians. 2012 Sep; 10,11(9,10): 296,344.
Ashley Sagmoe, MD
- Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis, a case presentation. West Virginia University School of Medicine Department of Pediatrics Didactic Session, July 2013.
- Femoral Retroversion, a case presentation. West Virginia University School of Medicine Department of Pediatrics Chairman’s Rounds, December 2012.
- Bright Futures, a CQI project . West Virginia University School of Medicine Department of Pediatrics Grand Rounds, September 2012.
- Intraventricular Hemorrhage, a case presentation. West Virginia University School of Medicine Department of Pediatrics Didactic Session, July 2012.