About Us

baby smiles

Program Aims

What makes our program different from other Neonatal-Perinatal training fellowships?  We believe our program aims will help you understand our program’s culture and what we hope to achieve over your training period at West Virginia University. 

  • Educate fellows to be excellent clinical neonatologists, who can care for critically ill neonates in any hospital setting and who can assess and appropriately incorporate new research into their practice.
  • Provide fellows with opportunities and resources to become excellent teachers at the bedside, in the simulation lab, and in the classroom.
  • Prepare fellows to plan a clinical research or quality improvement project and lead a multidisciplinary team in these efforts.
  • Help fellows adapt to the needs of underserved communities unique to Appalachia and become expert facilitators of transitions across healthcare settings.
  • Build fellows’ resilience, time-management skills, and recognition of the need for a lifelong strategy for personal wellness to have personal and professional success.

Who we are

Get to know our fellowship leadership team below, and for photos and recent fellowship updates, please visit our Facebook page.