Pain Clinic

LOCATION: Pain Management Clinic, Morgantown, West Virginia
PRECEPTOR: Richard Vaglienti, M.D.
DURATION: 2 weeks minimum
OFFERED: Continuously
STATUS: Elective


To provide the medical student with an introduction to the specialty of pain medicine. The student will be introduced to the interdisciplinary treatment of chronic pain patients and various treatment modalities available for that purpose.

Methods to Achieve Objectives

The student will be an integral part of the care team. The student will evaluate patients by doing histories and physical examinations. The student will learn to prescribe pain medication, as well as adjuvant medication frequently used by the pain management practitioner. Advanced students who show interest may be allowed to perform some invasive procedures depending upon their interest and skill level. Students will have the opportunity to interact with nursing staff, psychologists, and physical therapists during the course of their rotation.

Examination Procedures and Evaluation Criteria

Daily observation.

Pre-Rotation Instructions

Contact Dr. Vaglienti, 2 weeks prior to the start of your rotation.