A History of Excellence
Programs in Graduate Medical Education (GME) have been conducted at the Health Sciences Center since its opening in 1960. The charter of West Virginia University Hospitals, Inc., formulated at the time of its incorporation in 1984, commits the Hospital to continue its high degree of support for GME.
Recent graduates have gone on to specialized fellowships for further training. Upon completion of their education, 40% go on to academic appointments, 60% go to private practices.
The Department of Neurosurgery Residency Program at WVU is a seven-year program under the direction of the Program Director, Cara L. Sedney, MD, Assistant Program Director, Joseph L. Voelker, MD, and Program Manager, Kim Lanham.
Our program is structured to produce neurosurgeons who are broadly experienced, clinically mature, and academically well-prepared for clinical practice. Institutional resources of well-trained faculty, modern equipment, and a mixed tertiary and primary care patient population, ensure the neurosurgery resident the benefits of extensive hands-on experience in a wide variety of routine and invasive neurosurgical procedures.
Residents in this program are required to master the skills needed to function in an environment of progressively graduated responsibility so that by the completion of training, they are capable of independent performance of the full range of neurosurgical interpretation and procedures. Together, the GME Department, West Virginia University Hospitals, Inc., and the Department of Neurosurgery strive to provide our residents with the highest quality educational experience available.

Mountaineers know West Virginia University is special.
In addition to our facilities and educational experience, residents can Fall in Love with Morgantown and see what life here is like.
Once you’ve discovered the basics, we encourage you to dig a little deeper, picture yourself here and discover how you and your loved ones fit within one of West Virginia’s most vibrant communities.