3 Minute Thesis Finalist from Exercise Physiology

Submitted By: Danielle Shepherd

We are pleased to announce that Danielle Shepherd, a 5th year doctoral student in the Exercise Physiology program, was chosen as a finalist for the 3 Minute Thesis (3MT) Competition at WVU. The 3MT is an academic research communication competition for graduate research students and challenges students to present their research and outcomes in an understandable manner within a 3 minute time period. While the 3MT Competition has been held at other universities across the world, this is the first time for this competition at WVU. Danielle submitted her video application, which was screened by judges and selected to present at the live competition, which will be held at the Mountainlair on April 9th at 6:00 p.m. in the Shenandoah Room. Danielle plans to present her research on the novel echocardiographic approach using speckle-tracking based strain analyses in the diabetic heart. We encourage all Exercise Physiology students, particularly graduate students, to attend this event, as it is part of the Graduate Student Appreciation Week activities (http://graduate.wvu.edu/news-events). Please join us in congratulating Danielle and wishing her luck in the finals.

PowerPoint Presentation

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