Academic Transformation update

Academic Transformation update

Dear alumni and friends:

As you may be aware, this week the University announced the results of a data-informed analysis of academic programming as part of an on-going focus on Academic Transformation. This process aims to better position us to meet the changing needs of our students, our communities and our industries.

As a whole, our School of Medicine is well-positioned to address the challenges and opportunities facing higher education. However, we plan to place an intentional emphasis on improving efficiencies and offerings in two of our academic departments identified during this transformation process.

As always, our programs will continue to embody our land-grant mission, working to meet the increasing demands of providing a skilled workforce, all while looking at efficiencies to best position ourselves moving forward.

Our focus continues to be on our students, trainees and learners. Their success in our classrooms, clinics and upon entering the workforce remains our highest priority. Our majors are critical to meeting workforce demand, not only with our academic medical center clinical partner, WVU Medicine, but in rural clinics and communities throughout the state and beyond.

President Gordon Gee’s message outlines his vision for West Virginia University as a more agile, forward-leaning institution, and I hope you’ll take a few minutes to read through it.

As a member of our Mountaineer family, I know you may have thoughts you’d like to share about how we can continue to better ourselves, the institution and the lives of those we serve while in service to our profession. We’re monitoring for your suggestions and feedback.


Clay Marsh, M.D.

Chancellor and Executive Dean

WVU Health Sciences