Geriatrics Lunchtime Learning event to focus on "Urinary Incontinence in the Elderly"

Geriatrics Lunchtime Learning event to focus on "Urinary Incontinence in the Elderly"

Geriatrics Lunchtime Learning: “Urinary Incontinence in the Elderly” will be presented via Zoom from noon to 1 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 30.

The target audience for this activity includes physicians in primary care and all specialties, nurses, dietitians, social workers, pharmacists, and all other interested health care professionals. 

Pavithra Indramohan, MD, will be speaking during the event. At the conclusion of this program, participants should be able to:

  1. Understand the pathophysiology of urinary incontinence.
  2. Accurately evaluate and manage urinary incontinence in the elderly population.
  3. Appropriate use of available resources for incontinence.

No advance registration is required and CE credit is available without charge for physicians, nurses, pharmacists and social workers. Costs of providing the content are supported by endowed fund for geriatrics education at the CAMC Foundation and is managed by the CAMC Institute. 

The event is jointly provided by the West Virginia Geriatric Society the West Virginia Geriatrics Education Center and CAMC Institute.

Self enrollment is available through the SOLE Course Link. The event will be held via Zoom, and it will be archived for CE. Please contact Josh Kent by calling 304-388-9963 for questions about the remote connection or any other inquiries.

The Geriatrics Lunchtime Learning Series is designed to promote interdisciplinary teams and quality care for geriatric patients.