Highlighted Research Study in CV/Metabolic Disease Risk

Dr. Paul Chantler, Assistant Professor of Exercise Physiology and the Clinical Research Director for the Center for Cardiovascular and Respiratory Sciences (CCRS) has had a recent study highlighted via podcast by the American Physiological Society. Dr. Chantler’s work focuses on cerebrovascular adaptation to metabolic disorders and identifies the mechanistic benefits of early intervention to minimize impairments to the cerebral circulation and potentially reduce stroke risk. This study, which represents a collaborative effort between the CCRS and the Center for Basic and Translational Stroke Research, is a part of a larger translational research initiative into cardiovascular/metabolic disease risk and poor peripheral and cerebral vascular health outcomes. Dr. Chantler’s study and others in this ongoing series represent the collaborative team science efforts of multiple faculty specializing in basic, clinical and population science. The podcast can be accessed via the Center for Cardiovascular and Respiratory Sciences webpage (http://www.hsc.wvu.edu/ccrs/news/) or directly at http://ajpheart.podbean.com/.