Internal Medicine Residents Present their Research Proposals for Recognition

Every year, residents in the internal medicine program are tasked with completing a quality improvement (QI) project as part of their Reserach and Quality Improvement curriculum. After all the presentations are given, 5-6 of the best projects are chosen for recognition. This year's QI presenations were split into two sessions, in the February/March session, presentations were in-person and in the August session, they were all virtual.

Congratulations to the following residents for their QI proposals:

  • Michelle Oye - “Proposed Screening for B12 Deficiency in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes on Metformin”
  • Ayesha Hassan - “Stat H&H Before Blood Transfusions”
  • Steve Sagun - “Diet Restart Following NPO”
  • Abigail Foster - “Folate Testing in Hospital Medicine”
  • Miles Graves - “Level of Care Designations for Upper GI Bleeds”
  • Nishtha Modi - “Do Pillbox Organizers Improve Adherence/Compliance in Appalachian Population with Limited Access to Healthcare”

If you think you have QI ideas worth pursuing and would like to have this years’ class consider them, please email