Last chance to tell your health story
Final health storytelling workshop is April 19
Everyone’s got a story to tell. And in healthcare, telling and listening to stories is often a key to healing.
Renee Nicholson of the Eberly College of Arts & Sciences and Nancy Andrews of the Reed College of Media will return to the Health Sciences Center April 19 for the last health storytelling workshop of the academic year.
The session will be from 12 noon-1 p.m. in Room 3022 Health Sciences North.
Students, faculty, and staff with an interest in storytelling are welcome to attend. The event is limited to the first 25 people to register. No previous experience in writing or storytelling is required; people who have attended past sessions and newcomers are invited.
Professor Nicholson is the leader of the narrative medicine project at the WVU Cancer Institute, along with Dr. Carl Gray of the School of Medicine. She will be joined by Nancy Andrews of the Reed College of Media who is a leader of the of the '100 Days, 100 Voices' project. Professor Andrews will be in Room 3022 before and after the noon session to take photos of participants; once registered you can get more information about the photos.
To register for any of the workshops, please email Professor Nicholson at: .