Vice President's Awards to honor outstanding achievement April 10

Vice President's Awards to honor outstanding achievement April 10

West Virginia University Health Sciences will be honoring 14 individuals and two teams at the Health Sciences Center for outstanding achievement Wednesday, April 10 at 4 p.m. in the Pylons Lobby. The ceremony is open to the entire Health Sciences community.

The Vice President’s Achievement Awards are bestowed annually on people and groups who have made significant contributions to the missions of the University and their schools and units.

Winners were nominated by their peers and selected by the Achievement Awards committees.

Please join us in honoring these winners for the outstanding job they do on a daily basis:

Faculty Awards:

Robert M. Bossarte, PhD
Vice President’s Scholar Award

Susan Morgan, DDS
Vice President’s Award for Outstanding Achievement in Teaching

Raymond R. Raylman, PhD
Vice President’s Award for Research and Scholarly Activities

Norman D. Ferrari III, MD
Vice President’s Mentoring Award

Stephenie Kennedy-Rea, EdD
Vice President’s Award for Outstanding Achievement in Service

Charles D. Ponte, PharmD
Vice President’s Master Clinician Award

Joy Buck, PhD, APRN
Vice President’s Award for Community Engaged Research

Staff Awards:

MaryAnn Adams-Michenko
Vice President’s Award for Administrative/Managerial

Lorie Stowers
Vice President’s Award for Clerical/Secretarial

Artie Rogers
Vice President’s Award for Physical Plant/Maintenance/Service

Rose McCluskey
Vice President’s Award for Professional/Non-Teaching

Charles Wisser
Vice President’s Award for Paraprofessional/Technician

Team Awards:

Section of Hospital Medicine
Vice President’s Team Achievement Award

Pediatric Dentistry
Vice President’s Go First Award

WISH (Women In Science & Health) Awards:

Ranjita Misra, PhD
Women in Science and Health Advanced Career Award

Lisa M. Salati, PhD
Women in Science and Health Advanced Career Award