Wanted: Healthcare workers to participate in COVID-19 research study

West Virginia University has launched a research study to assess the professional and personal impact of COVID-19 on healthcare workers. Called the Recovering Emotionally from COVID-19 (or RE-COVID) study, researchers also hope to assess the changes that have taken place, due to the pandemic, for providers who treat patients with substance use disorders or other mental health conditions.

The study is a collaborative effort between West Virginia University, Harvard University, and the Universitair Psychiatrisch Centrum (in Belgium).

All healthcare workers at WVU Medicine are eligible to participate in the study, which will involve a series of three surveys. Each will take about 25 minutes to complete and will involve questions related to demographics, mental health, substance use, quality of life, governmental measures, and the impact of treatment and perceived patient stressors.

Participation is voluntary and there is no monetary compensation.

To learn more about and access the first survey, click here: https://wvu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3INL5e3tjHLqPpb