WVU Division of OT to Host Upper Extremity Continuing Education

We are pleased to announce a continuing education collaboration with the WVU School of Medicine and Doctors Demystify. For over 30 years, Doctors Demystify has been providing both live and self-study courses for OTs and PTs passionate about the upper extremity. By collaborating with local therapists and surgeons, Doctors Demystify strives to provide a broad spectrum of easily accessible, modestly priced, high-quality courses to further stimulate learning and collegiality between hand therapists and hand surgeons.

Title: Doctors Demystify The Whys and Hows of Hand Surgery For OTs and PTs 

Date: March 25, 2023. 

Time: Registration begins at 8:30 am, and presentations will begin at 9 am and conclude at 2:00 pm. Refreshments will be provided.

The cost of attendance is $99.

Visit https://DoctorsDemystify.Thinkific.com. Click "sign in" in the upper right-hand corner. Scroll down and click "create new account." Then, look for the course entitled Whys and Hows of Hand Surgery, Morgantown, March 25, 2023 You can preview the course overview and then pay to reserve your seat.

For more information, contact Seth Powers, MOT, OTR/L, CHT at bspowers@hsc.wvu.edu