Narrative Medicine Interest Group
This organization is founded for the purpose of emphasizing the value of the humanities in medicine. The aim of the NMIG is to cultivate patient-centered empathy through humanities-based activities and bolster physician wellness through creativity.
This was a student club from an unknown year until 2021, and we're starting it up again in 2023.
- Julia Deziel & Alessandra Moise Gest
- Co-Presidents
- Torren Kalaskey
- Secretary
- Erika Lerfald
- Treaurer
- Sarah DeFazio
- Curriculum Liaison
- Andrea Labus, MD
- Faculty Advisor
The name of this organization shall be the Narrative Medicine Interest Group (NMIG). The NMIG is a student organization at West Virginia University School of Medicine. This organization's purpose shall be to provide a forum for students interested in the field of narrative medicine to enjoy wellness activities geared around the humanities; and to provide the medical and local community with similar activities.
ARTICLE II - Objectives
The objectives of the organization shall be:
1. To offer students interested in the field of Narrative Medicine information, opportunities, and access to resources and prompts sourced from Columbia University's Program for Narrative Medicine.
2. To provide medical students with a venue in which they can process and find meaning in their medical school experiences thus far through shared discourse with colleagues over texts that serve as vehicles for conversation.
3. To serve the medical community through reading, writing, and art workshops for patients in different wards if given permission.
ARTICLE III - Membership
Members and officers must be enrolled students at West Virginia University.
Non-students may act as associate members, but may not vote or hold office.
ARTICLE IV - Officers
Election of Officers
1. The officers of this organization are co-presidents, secretary, treasurer, and curriculum liaison. If needed, the secretary and treasurer position can be combined into a single role.
2. Officers will be elected by written ballot, with each active member casting a vote. A majority of votes will constitute a victory.
3. Election of officers will take place during the 2nd week of April. Exceptions can be made in case of emergencies and other unforeseen circumstances. The decision to change election date must be majority agreement amongst the executive board.
4. Officers will assume office for the period of one year.
ARTICLE V-Group Activities/Meetings
The group activities/meetings shall follow these guidelines:
1. Per semester, a monthly meeting will be held to gather the student members of NMIG for a discussion-based activity.
2. Throughout the semester, three to four community service opportunities will be made available to students.
3. Meetings will be open to all students, faculty, staff. A notice of at least 2 weeks will be given prior to all meetings via email. The meetings are to be organized and controlled by officers and active members.
1. Coordinates all activities of the organization
2. Acts as liaison to University community
3. Serves as official representative of the organization
4. Calls regular and special meetings
5. Presides at meetings
6. Prepares agenda for meetings
1. Maintains accurate and current information of the organization and membership
2. Assists president and vice-president to coordinate organization activities
3. Keeps accurate minutes of each meeting and forward copies to other officers 4. Keep attendance records for meetings
Serves as liaison to WVU for all purpose of organizational funding. Maintains accurate and current account of all organizational funds
1. Responsible for dispensing of funds in accordance with the goals and program
This constitution and by-laws may be amended by a 2/3-majority vote of those voting, a quorum being present.
ARTICLE VI-Not-for-profit Statement
This is a not-for-profit organization.
ARTICLE VII - Statement of Non-discrimination
This organization shall not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression, religion, age, marital status, national origin, disability, or veteran status. This policy will include, but not limited to recruiting, membership, organization activities, or opportunities to hold office.
ARTICLE VIII - Financial Obligation
This organization will not require any dues/fees from members. Any and all funds acquired will be through donations/fundraising events. Funds shall be utilized at the discretion of the executive board and faculty advisors, provided that its utilization will fulfill the objectives of the organization.
1. To offer students interested in the field of Narrative Medicine information, opportunities, and access to resources and prompts sourced from Columbia University's Program for Narrative Medicine.
2. To provide medical students with a venue in which they can process and find meaning in their medical school experiences thus far through shared discourse with colleagues over texts that serve as vehicles for conversation.
3. To serve the medical community through reading, writing, and art workshops for patients in different wards if given permission.
The purpose of this organization is to enhance health sciences students' wellness through humanities activities; to bolster physician empathy by using narrative and the arts to foster understanding of patient experiences; to provide interested students with information and workshops in the burgeoning field of 'Narrative Medicine'; and to provide a service to WVU Medicine and the Morgantown community through art, music, reading, and writing workshops.