
Man pipetting while another watches

Interested in a career in Neuroscience? See our available positions.

Faculty Positions

Postdoctoral Fellow Positions

Post Doctoral FellowThe Rockefeller Neuroscience Institute at West Virginia University Research Corporation is currently accepting applications for a Post Doctoral Fellow (Stroke) in the Department of Neuroscience with experience in multiscale connectomics-based approaches in stroke study. We are looking for outstanding candidates with strong expertise in genomics and in vivo imaging techniques. The successful candidate will work on a multidisciplinary project employing two-photon microscopy, spatial genomics, and brain manipulation techniques to study brain networks post-stroke and during recovery. Supervisor: Dr. Shahrzad Latifi

Post Doctoral Fellow - The Rockefeller Neuroscience Institute at West Virginia University Research Corporation is currently accepting applications for a Post Doctoral Fellow (Robotics) in the Department of Neuroscience in computational neuroscience/robotics/machine learning. We are looking for outstanding candidates interested in employing cutting-edges technologies, ML, and graph theory-based analytics to understand multiscale brain networks dynamics. The postdoctoral associate can work under a specific project as well as general research involving the applications of ML, robotics, or graph theory in evaluating brain functions in specific disorders such as stroke. Supervisor: Dr. Shahrzad Latifi

Post Doctoral Fellow - The Department of Neuroscience at West Virginia University Research Corporation is currently accepting applications for a Post Doctoral Fellow in Synaptic Molecular Biology and Super-Resolution Imaging who is highly motivated and creative in the ways they investigate the molecular biology of synapses using advanced imaging techniques, including STED super-resolution microscopy. Our research explores the fundamental mechanisms of synapse formation, plasticity, and remodeling, with a focus on how these processes are disrupted in neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease.

A successful candidate will lead a project examining the structural and molecular underpinnings of synaptic remodeling that drive brain plasticity in health and neurodegeneration. This work leverages molecular biology, biochemistry, and cutting-edge imaging methods to uncover how nanoscale synaptic architecture regulates neuronal function. Supervisor: Dr. Martin Hruska

Laboratory Technician/Manager Positions