Drew Altizer

“Honestly, I can't speak highly enough of the entire OT faculty. They are all patient, kind, and their primary goal is to help each student succeed and become a successful therapist and advocate for their patients while ensuring student quality of life.”
Why did you choose your current major or program?
I love seeing the impact Occupational Therapy makes for people across the lifespan whether it be through advocacy or improvements in mental or physical health.
Why did you choose WVU for your education?
I chose WVU as it has the primary OT school in the state and the prospect of a new Doctorate program greatly interested me.
What do you eventually want to do in your career? What’s the end goal? Are there any postgraduate degrees or programs you want to pursue?
I eventually want to specialize in pediatric mental health and trauma in Southern WV (Charleston area) and also conduct research into referee mental health. I want to get certified in EMDR therapy and potentially other therapeutic methods.
Why do you feel this career will be rewarding and fits you uniquely?
This career uniquely fits me as I love interacting with people, thinking on my feet, being creative, and it fulfills my passion to help change lives every day- and the improvements made can lead to lifelong successes.
What would you tell a student who’s thinking about applying to your program?
DO IT! Don't miss the opportunity to have a rewarding, flexible career that allows you to work in healthcare while pursuing new passions daily.
Does your program have any hands-on learning or internship opportunities that you’ve particularly enjoyed?
Much of the program is hands-on with labs and events working in the community--- some of my favorites include working with the unhoused groups with Project Mushroom, our hands-on labs with reflexes, and working in mental health! The fieldwork sites I went to (acute care and veterans adult outpatient) were also amazing to help catapult my learning from textbook to practical application.
Have you had any faculty that you particularly enjoyed in class or through mentorship, etc.?
Honestly, I can't speak highly enough of the entire OT faculty. They are all patient, kind, and their primary goal is to help each student succeed and become a successful therapist and advocate for their patients while ensuring student quality of life.
Are you active in any clubs or extracurricular activities?
WVU Campus Crusade for Christ (Cru). I help with the graduate student Bible study and worship team there!
Tell us something unique or interesting about yourself that others may not know. Hobbies, talents, superlatives, etc.
I am a soccer referee, mentor, and assignor, refereeing tournaments in DC, WV, Ohio, and others. I also am an avid disc golfer and video gamer!