
Direct Immunofluorescence

The WVU dermatopathology service offers direct immunofluorescence services to aid in the diagnosis of vesicular dermatitis (pemphigus, bullous pemphigoid, dermatitis herpetiformis, etc), lupus erythematosis, and vasculitis.  We perform IgG, IgM, IgA, C3, and fibrinogen.

We recommend a routinely processed formalin-fixed biopsy along with a biopsy placed in Michel's or Zeus transport media.  If the routinely processed biopsy shows a clear pathologic process for which direct immunofluorescence (DIF) is not helpful, we will call and discuss whether the DIF study should be cancelled, and whether that tissue should be preserve for possible later DIF or reprocess for H&E staining.

For transport media contact University Medical Laboratories.

Courier Services and Supplies

Courier Supplies are provided by University Medical Laboratories.

Forms and Billing

WVU Billing Sheet

Test Requisition Forms

Test requisition forms can be pre-printed with the client name, address and account number. Frequently ordered tests are pre-printed on the requisition to facilitate test ordering. A completed test requisition must be submitted with the specimen(s), including patient name, billing information, specimen collection date and tests requested.
