Charleston Division Library Updates

Library Adds New Books, Journals

MKSAP 17 Part A Books are Now Available at the Library Front Desk
Good news for Internal Medicine residents: we now have MKSAP 17 Part A. The titles in Part A include Cardiovascular Medicine, Dermatology, Neurology, Rheumatology, Gastroenterology/Hepatology, and Hematology/Oncology.
The other 5 sub-specialty books, which will be in Part B, will be available in January, 2016.

Some New Books in the Library
IM Essentials Text (2015, American College of Physicians)
IM Essentials Questions (2015, American College of Physicians) 
Both of these could be helpful for students’ Shelf Exams.

New Journals
The library now offers the complete set of online journals, approximately 90 of them, from Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. Publishers. Their journals include the Journal of Endourology; Videourology; Childhood Obesity; and the Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology. 

JAMA Oncology
The newest JAMA specialty journal, JAMA Oncology, publishes influential original research, opinions, and reviews that advance the science of oncology and improve the clinical care of patients with cancer.Click here to access the journal. A WVU ID or EPIC EHR ID is required for student, resident, and faculty access. 

JAMA Medical Student Elective in Medical Editing
JAMA offers a 4-week elective in medical editing to third- and fourth-year US medical students. The elective is full-time and must be taken for academic credit. For information and an application, please e-mail

How Method Videos are Making Science Smarter
A New Yorker article talks about video journals, which rely on short films of health science procedures rather than textual descriptions, and notes they are on the rise. It mentions the Journal of Visualized Experiments which the WVU Libraries offer online. 

SPSS 23 for Statistics
Good news for medical researchers! We now have IBM SPSS 23 statistical software in the WVU Charleston Health Sciences Library, on the first floor of the WVU Charleston building next to CAMC Memorial. It’s the IBM Premium Version with all components and modules including structural equation modeling, power analysis, bootstrapping, and advanced sampling. 

The software is currently on all the computers in the library lab, the glassed-in room on the first floor. All are welcome to use it. We have 2 concurrent account licenses, which should not be a problem, unless you are doing a group lecture and you want everyone to have access at the same time. We hope to have it on all the other computers in the library very soon. 

There is an SPSS 23 icon on each of the computer’s desktops. Just double-click the icon to get started. 

Scam Alert
Scammers have been appropriating the name of the respected journal publisher Elsevier to issue fraudulent calls for papers and requests for payments, as noted in the two posts linked below.

Warning Regarding Fraudulent Call for Papers

Beware of Fraudulent E-Mails Requesting Payment (for Publication)

NIH Webinars for Applicants and Grant Administrators
Webinars for Applicants and Grant Administrators: What You Need to Know About NIH Application Submission and Review 

(NOT-OD-15-154) National Institutes of Health
The Webinars will focus on University Research Administrators and Research Project Grants (R01). More information and Webinar registration is available here.

Applications Being Accepted for the 2016 NLM Georgia Biomedical Informatics Course

This is a week-long, all expenses paid course for health science researchers, physicians, nurses, and other healthcare professionals. For more information please see: