Dr. Carmen Burrell helping Urgent Care Foundation launch study

UC Foundation Early Diabetes Detection Study
Thank you West Virginia University Urgent Care and Dr. Carmen Burrell for helping the Urgent Care Foundation (UCF) launch the Early Diabetes Detection in the Urgent Care: A Multicenter Study. Urgent Care Centers (UCCs) have become first line providers for millions of individuals, giving us the unique opportunity to offer chronic disease screening at the 8,285 UCCs across the nation. As one of the 12 UCCs participating in this important project, you are a leader and example to the urgent care industry. Thank you West Virginia University Urgent Care and Dr. Carmen Burrell for collaborating with the UCF to implement this research study within your UCC. Your commitment to this research has a huge impact on the urgent care industry and the potential for us to reduce the long-term health and financial burden of diabetes for millions of Americans.

Initial results from the Early Diabetes Detection Study will be shared at a Pre-conference during the New Frontiers Fall Conference in October. Just sign up for the pre-con when you register for the Fall Conference. If you have already registered for the conference and would like to add the Diabetes Study Pre-con, please contact niwinski@ucaoa.org.