Infant Safe Sleep presentation with Dr. Michael Goodstein
Tues., May 18, 12 p.m., HSC Room 1905
Can we prevent infant sleep-related seaths? What you need to know now. Join Dr. Michael Goldstein on Tues., May 18 at noon in the WVU Health Sciences Center, Room1905.
Dr. Goodstein is a board-certified neonatologist from York, Pennsylvania. He established the York County Cribs for Kids Program and has been its director since 2003. He is a board member of the National Cribs for Kids Program. Dr. Goodstein’s group developed the Infant Safe Sleep Initiative in 2008 and they have been performing IRB-approved research on the program looking at outcomes with healthcare provider education and family education. They have been helping hospitals throughout PA and surrounding areas to replicate the program. The group is actively researching the use of infant sleep safety guidelines in the hospital setting. In 2009 Dr. Goodstein was recognized by the American Academy of Pediatrics with a Special Achievement Award and more recently he received the National Leadership Award from Cribs for Kids. Dr. Goodstein has been a member of the AAP Task Force on SIDS since 2010.