Medicine Grand Rounds: Drs. Moss and Tuttle to give presentation on patient comfort measures

Alvin Moss, M.D., and Jane Tuttle, M.D., will give a presentation on patient comfort measures during the Department of Medicine grand rounds on Friday, Jan. 17, at noon.

Dr. Moss is a professor for the Department of Medicine, Division of Nephrology, and the director of the Health Sciences Center for Ethics and Law. Dr. Tuttle is a fellow in the Palliative Medicine and Hospice Fellowship Program in the Department of Medicine, Division of Geriatrics, Palliative Medicine and Hospice. Their presentation is titled "Comfort Measures: They May Not Be What You Think!"

The presentation will be held online via Zoom and in person. The in-person presentation will take place in the Fukushima Auditorium on the first floor of the Health Sciences Center near the entrance to the Dental Clinic.

Contact to receive a Zoom link to watch the presentation.