School of Medicine names new WV STEPS director and graduate medical education assistant dean

Dorian Williams, M.D., professor in the Department of Family Medicine and medical director of the Clinical and Pharmacologic Research Center has been named assistant dean for simulation and technology in education in the School of Medicine and medical director of the WV STEPS David and Jo Ann Shaw Center for Simulation Training and Education for Patient Safety. Dr. Williams replaces David Wilks, M.D., who will be retiring in June.

Current professor and chair in the Department of Anesthesiology, Manuel Vallejo, M.D., is preparing to assume the duties of the School’s designated institutional official (DIO) and assistant dean for graduate medical education (GME). Dr. Vallejo replaces Hollynn Larrabee, M.D. and interim DIO Bob Tallaksan. He will be responsible for the training programs that prepare medical school graduates for their chosen medical specialties. 

“Both Dr. Williams and Dr. Vallejo have strong, established careers in academic medicine as skilled clinicians and in serving as mentors and advisors to health sciences students,” said Clay Marsh, M.D., vice president and executive dean of health sciences. “Both are committed and well-respected teachers at WVU, and these new roles will allow them to continue to put their expertise to work in developing and expanding top-notch learning opportunities in simulation education and in preparing our medical students for residency programs.”

Both will hold appointments in the Department of Medical Education and will transition into their new roles on July 1, 2016.