Career Outcomes

Student Outcomes


Students graduated: 11 (9 clinical, 2 thesis)

Students enrolled in professional school: 8

Students who were employed: 2 (1 clinical employment, 1 academic employment)

Other: 1


Students graduated: 10 (8 clinical, 2 thesis)

Students enrolled in professional school: 9

Students who were employed: 1 (clinical employment)

Other: 0


Students graduated: 9 (clinical)

Students enrolled in professional school: 3

Students who were employed: 5 (clinical employment)

Other: 1

Career Pathways

Many of our graduates pursue additional certification (e.g., ACSM Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, NSCA Tactical Strength and Conditioning-Facilitator) and often move into the following roles at a variety of institutional or healthcare settings:

  • Cardiac Rehabilitation & Exercise Specialist
  • Certified Exercise Physiologist                                                  
  • Health and Fitness Specialist/Director
  • Wellness Coordinator
  • Clinical Research Assistant/Clinical Trials Research Coordinator
  • Faculty
  • Tactical Strength and Conditioning Coach
  • Aerospace and Operational Physiologist
  • Human Performance Specialist

Clinical Track

Clinical exercise physiology (CEP) focuses on the use of exercise testing and training in persons with or at high risk of acquiring chronic disease. The clinical curriculum is designed to prepare students to take and pass the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) Clinical Exercise Physiology certification exam. Students who graduate from this track are also prepared to pursue advanced studies in health-related fields or a doctorate in the CEP field.

Tactical Track

Tactical Performance Physiology focuses on improving the readiness and resiliency of tactical professionals (e.g., military personnel, firefighters, law enforcement officers). The tactical curriculum is designed to prepare students to take and pass the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) - Certified Strength and Conditioning Coach (CSCS) and the NSCA Tactical Strength and Conditioning-Facilitator (TSAC-F) certifications. Students who graduate from this Area of Emphasis are prepared to enter a diverse and emerging job market working with local municipalities or the Armed Services.

Thesis Track

The thesis track is a two-year program designed for students who wish to engage in an intensive research training experience. Students in the track select a research mentor and committee from faculty within the Division of Exercise Physiology (or an affiliated group) based on their research interests. Students who graduate from this track are well-prepared for further training in a PhD, MD, or similar postgraduate program.