Clinical Rotations

Clinical rotations will begin in early January following successful completion of the didactic portion of the program. Rotations are approximately 6-8 weeks long (with some variation) and finish in early to mid-December (based on convocation date). Some clinical sites provide housing but do not allow pets. Students are given their clinical rotation schedule near the end of the first year.

Currently, we have affiliations with the following sites:

Allegheny General Hospital, Pittsburgh PA
      Surgical pathology rotation

Conemaugh Memorial Medical Center, Johnstown, PA
      Forensic autopsy rotation - Wayne K. Ross M.D., P.C., Clinical Liaison

Cuyahoga County Medical Examiner’s Office, Cleveland, OH
      Forensic autopsy rotation

Dauphin County and Lancaster Coroner, Harrisburg, PA
      Forensic autopsy rotation - Wayne K. Ross M.D., P.C., Clinical Liaison

Excela Health Westmoreland Hospital, Greensburg, PA
      Surgical pathology rotation

Johnson County Medical Examiner’s Office, Olatha, KS
      Forensic autopsy rotation

Marietta Memorial Health System, Marietta, OH
      Surgical pathology rotation

Mercy Health, St. Elizabeth, Youngstown, OH
      Surgical pathology rotation

University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) Sites:
      UPMC Presbyterian, Surgical and autopsy rotation
      UPMC Shadyside, Surgical pathology rotation
      UPMC Children’s Hospital, Surgical pathology rotation
      UPMC Magee Women’s Hospital, Surgical pathology rotation 

Westmoreland Medical Examiner, Westmoreland, PA
      Forensic autopsy rotation

WVU Medicine, Ruby Memorial Hospital, Morgantown, WV
      Surgical pathology rotation
ospital autopsy rotation 

WVU Medicine, Berkley Medical Center (WVU East), Martinsburg, WV
      Surgical pathology rotation

WVU Medicine United Hospital Center, Bridgeport, WV
      Surgical pathology rotation