Practice Based Learning

Residents show the ability to analyze, practice, experience, and perform practice-based improvement activities using a systematic methodology, including:

  • Discuss the importance of genetic testing for patient diagnosis, prognosis and treatment.
  • Utilizing reading material to supplement knowledge of genetic disorders.

Residents show ability to locate, appraise, and assimilate evidence from scientific studies related to patients’ health care problems, including:

  • Perform a literature search and review to find relevant scientific references to aid in the workup of genetic cases (computer-based searches).
  • Obtain and incorporate information about their patient population (via COPATH computer searches and medical records chart review) for clinicopathologic study of selected diseases.

Residents demonstrate competency in the use of information technology to manage information, access on-line medical information, and support their own education, including:

  • Accessing of patient clinical information and previous pathology accessions via Medsite and Copath.
  • Performance of computer searches of the medical literature.
  • Show competence in the use of digital imaging technology.

Residents actively participate in the teaching of medical students and other health care professionals rotating through the cytogenetics section, including:

  • Teaching students and residents from other disciplines during review of genetics cases.
  • Preparation of genetic topic for education of laboratory personnel.


  • Rotation evaluation
  • Review of resident portfolio yearly to assess improvement and discuss self-education