Hematology and Coagulation

The Hematology and Coagulation rotation at West Virginia University is designed to instruct trainees in Hematology and Coagulation practice in a tertiary care, academic setting as well as a large community hospital. The major purpose of this rotation is to cover in detail all areas of the Hematology Laboratory not associated directly with Bone Marrow performance and interpretation. These areas include Automated Blood Counts, Peripheral Blood Smear interpretation, Urine analysis and interpretation, and Body Fluid analysis and interpretation. The resident will be exposed to a diverse range of testing modalities, both automated and manual. The resident is expected to become proficient in interpreting these tests and communicating the results to the clinician caring for the patient. Coagulation training covers a broad based experience in coagulation through exposure to a diverse range of testing modalities for both bleeding and clotting disorders. The resident is expected to become proficient in interpreting these tests both individually and collectively.

Training Sites/Institutional Site Directors

  • WVU - Dr.Peter L Perrotta
  • CAMC - Dr. Tomislav Jelic


  • Duration of Rotation - 3 months
  • Post Graduate Level of Residents Involved in Rotation - PGY levels1-4

Coordinating Teaching Faculty Members

  • Dr. Peter L Perrotta
  • Dr. Tomislav Jelic

Teaching Faculty Members

West Virginia University

  • Peter L Perrotta, M.D.
  • Jeffrey Vos, M.D.

Charleston Area Medical Center

  • Oscar Estalilla, M.D.
  • Tomislav M. Jelic, M.D.