A headshot photo of Ezequiel Salido.

Ezequiel Salido, MD/PhD

Research Assistant Professor

Contact Information

64 Medical Center Drive
Room 3098 HSC North
220 Erma Byrd Biomedical Building, Ground Floor
Morgantown, WV 26506


  • Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine
  • Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences

Graduate Training

  • 2001-2007 MD, School of Medicine, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • 2008 - 2013 PhD in Neuroscience (summa cum laude). School of Medicine, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Mentor: Dr Ruth E Rosenstein
  • 2010 - 2015 Assistant at the Group of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, National Technological University (UTN). Mentor: Eng. Claudio Verrastro. Field: Computational neuroscience.
  • 2015-2016 Postdoctoral Research at Neural Engineering Lab, Center for Neuroscience, West Virginia University (WVU). Mentor: Dr. Sergiy Yakovenko. Field: Brain-machine interface.
  • 2016-2020 Postdoctoral Research at Ramamurthy Lab, Eye institute, West Virginia University (WVU). Mentor: Dr. Visvanathan Ramamurthy. Field: Retina cell biology – Extracellular matrix.

Research Interests

Cells in our body continually interact with the surrounding environment to obtain nutrients and communicate with their neighbors.

The cells and the extracellular space constitute the environment that determines the tissue function, cell differentiation, and healthiness of the cell. Interestingly, cells shape their extracellular matrix by actively synthesizing and secreting molecules into the extracellular space.

In the retina, the neuronal photoreceptors cells and the glial retina pigment epithelium (RPE) cells interact through a specialized extracellular matrix called Interphotoreceptor Matrix (IPM). Patients with mutations in molecules of the IPM develop blinding diseases.  

Areas of Interest:

Genesis and dynamics of the matrix

The interphotoreceptor matrix is compounded by a mesh of molecules in constant synthesis and degradation. These molecules are required to integrate into the matrix by interacting with other molecules. In addition, the interaction between the matrix and cell membrane proteins allows the cell to sense the matrix environment.

Which are those molecules, how do they interact, and why they are important for the health of the glia and photoreceptors are the questions we try to address in our lab.

Extracellular matrix changes in mutant mice.

Immunohistochemistry analysis of photoreceptor extracellular matrix.

Link to paper.



IPM fluid dynamics

The interphotoreceptor matrix provides the media where nutrients, ions, and molecules traffic from cell to cell. Surprisingly we know very little about the size of the matrix and the flow of molecules and ions through the matrix. What is the true size and shape of the matrix? How do molecules and ions move along the matrix? Can we model the flow of nutrients through the matrix and predict disease mechanisms?     

Cone photoreceptor extracellular matrix.

Retina and RPE metabolic changes in mice with affected interphotoreceptor matrix.

Electron microscopy shows extracellular matrix changes in mutant mice.

Differential equations model the response of photoreceptor to light

 Link to paper. 



Can we improve vision in patients with affected extracellular matrix proteins?

Patients with mutations in the interphotoreceptor matrix proteoglycans IMPG1 and IMPG2 develop retinitis pigmentosa or macular dystrophy vision diseases. We are developing adenovirus-based gene therapy to rescue rapid RP progression in children.

Gene therapy workflow.

Besides helping to cure blinding diseases, we broadly enrich diverse scientific fields such as aging, neurodegeneration, biomaterials, brain-machine interface, 3D tissue culture, and computational neuroscience.



Mitchell B, Coulter C, Geldenhuys WJ, Rhodes S, Salido EM. 
Interphotoreceptor matrix proteoglycans IMPG1 and IMPG2 proteolyze in the SEA domain and reveal localization mutual dependency. 
Scientific Reports. 2022 Sep 15. [link] 
Pulido JS, Procopio R, Davila HJ, Bello N, Ku C, Pennesi ME, Yang P, Nagiel A, Mahroo OA, Aleman TS, Salido EM, Reynolds M. 
IRD panels-caveat emptor-truly know your IRD panel. 
Retina, 2021 Oct, 14; [link]
Salido EM*, Ramamurthy V*. 
Proteoglycan IMPG2 Shapes the Interphotoreceptor Matrix and Modulates Vision.
Journal of neuroscience, 2020 May, 13; 40(20):4059-4072. *Co-Corresponding Author [link]
Dilan TL, Moye AR, Salido EM, Saravanan T, Kolandaivelu S, Goldberg AFX, Ramamurthy V. 
ARL13B, a Joubert Syndrome-Associated Protein, Is Critical for Retinogenesis and Elaboration of Mouse Photoreceptor Outer Segments. 
Journal of neuroscience, 2019 Feb, 20;39(8):1347-1364. [link]
Salido EM*, Servalli LN*, Gomez JC, Verrastro C.
Phototransduction early steps model based on Beer-Lambert optical law.
Vision Research, 2017 Jan, 131:75-81. *Co-Corresponding Author  [link]
Salido EM, Dorfman D, Bordone M, Chianelli M, González Fleitas MF, Rosenstein RE.
Global and ocular hypothermic preconditioning protect the rat retina from ischemic damage.
PLoS One, 2013 Apr, 23:8(4):e61656. [link]
Salido EM, Bordone M, De Laurentiis A, Chianelli M, Keller Sarmiento MI, Dorfman D, Rosenstein RE. 
Therapeutic efficacy of melatonin in reducing retinal damage in an experimental model of early type 2 diabetes in rats. 
Journal of Pineal Research, 2013 Mar, 54(2):179-89. [link]
Salido EM, Dorfman D, Bordone M, Chianelli MS, Sarmiento MI, Aranda M, Rosenstein RE.
Ischemic conditioning protects the rat retina in an experimental model of early type 2 diabetes. 
Experimental Neurology, 2013 Feb, 240:1-8. [link]
Salido EM, de Zavalía N, Schreier L, De Laurentiis A, Rettori V, Chianelli M, Keller Sarmiento MI, Arias P, Rosenstein RE. 
Retinal changes in an experimental model of early type 2 diabetes in rats characterized by non-fasting hyperglycemia.
Experimental Neurology, 2012 Jul, 236(1):151-60. [link]
Nuria de Zavalía, Santiago A. Plano, Diego C. Fernandez, Florencia Lanzani, Ezequiel Salido, Nicolás Belforte, María I. Keller Sarmiento, Diego A. Golombek, Ruth E. Rosenstein.
Effect of experimental glaucoma on the non-image forming visual system.
Journal of Neurochemistry, 2011 Jun, 117(5): 904-14. 
Daniel A. Sáenz, Sara E. Bari, Ezequiel Salido, Mónica Chianelli, Ruth E. Rosenstein
Effect of nitroxyl on the hamster retinal nitridergic pathway.
Neurochemistry International, 2007 Nov-Dec, 51(6-7):424-32.
Carolina O. Jaliffa, Sarah Howard, Esteban Hoijman, Ezequiel Salido, María I. Keller Sarmiento, Pablo Arias and Ruth E. Rosenstein.
Effect of neurosteroids on the retinal GABAergic system and electroretinographic activity in the golden hamster.
Journal of Neurochemistry, 2005 94(6):1666-1675. 
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