
"Of all the professional associations which you will have in your lifetime, the ones likely to carry the most meaning for you will be with your classmates and with other graduates of the WVU School of Medicine."

If you are like most medical school graduates, you will never lose your interest in their happiness or avoid being saddened by their misfortunes. No doubt you will compare the path you have taken with theirs--sometimes wistfully, sometimes gratefully. In some ways, they will be closer than brothers and sisters, because they have experienced adversity with you and have understood. As a network on which you can draw for information or support, they will reach out to every state in the Union. Together you can share in the successes of your Alma Mater and permit it to share in yours.

Our membership network links graduates world-wide and helps them maintain personal and professional relationships, share information and experiences, and participate in the successes and life of their medical school.

The School of Medicine Alumni Association conducts three membership solicitations each year. Membership dues count as gifts.

Were you a member in 2024? You can view the 2024 Membership Roster HERE.

Please consider joining your classmates/colleagues and become part of an organization of alumni dedicated to staying connected to WVU, and helping students become great Mountaineer docs. Your WVU School of Medicine Alumni Association is among the Nation’s top medical Alumni Associations.


Click here to join online!

For additional information on membership, email Brian Jimmie.