Contact HGR
24 Hour Phone: 304-293-6322
** Deaths associated with Coronavirus (COVID-19) will not be accepted into the program **
Office hours: 7:00AM – 3:00PM , Monday - Friday
After office hours (including weekends and holidays) leave a message with the answering service, someone will return your call as soon as possible.
West Virginia University
School of Medicine
Human Gift Registry
P.O. Box 9131
Morgantown, WV 26506
FAX: 304-293-8159 - Do not FAX death notifications, please call.
Other West Virginia Programs
Marshall University
School of Medicine
Human Gift Registry
1542 Spring Valley Drive
Huntington, WV 25704.
(304) 696-7382
West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine
Human Gift Registry
400 N. Lee Street
Lewisburg, WV 24901
(304) 647-6208