Ambulatory Clinic Phone Tree
POC First Floor
- Otolaryngology 304-598-4825
- MRI – POC 304- 598-6168
- Medical Records 304-598-4109
- Medical Transcription 304- 598-6852
- Pharmacy 304- 598-4848
- POC Info Desk 304-598-4000x3800
- Access to Eye Institute
POC Second Floor
- Orthopaedics 304-598-4830
- Pediatrics 304-598-4835
- POC X-Ray 304-598-4845
POC Third Floor
- Med Group Practice/65+ 304-598-4850
- Medical Specialties 304-598-4855
- Gastroenterology 304-598-4867
- Infectious Disease 304- 598-4867
- Nephrology 304-598-6802
- Occupational Med 304- 598-4867
- Pulmonary 304- 598-4862
- Rheumatology 304-598-4867
- Sleep Disorder 304-598-4862
- Medicine Suite 3 304- 598-4865
- EEG & EMG 304-598-6060
- Access to Ruby via fourth floor bridge
POC Fourth Floor
- Pre Adm Testing 304-598-4885
- Surg. Specialties 304-598-4890
- OB/GYN 304-598-4880
- Ultrasound 304-598-4250
- Access to Ruby via fourth floor bridge
Eye Institute-First Floor and Second Floor
- Ophthalmology 304- 598-4820
Eye Institute-Third Floor
- Neurology 304- 598-6127
- Neurosurgery 304- 598-6127
Health Sciences Center
- Family Medicine 304-598-6900
- Breast Care Center 304-293-8012
- Cancer Center 304-293-4500
Chestnut Ridge Center
- Behavioral Medicine 304-293-5293
- Inpatient Programs 304-598-6000
- Day Programs 304-598-6429
- Outpatient Programs 304-598-4214
- Cheat Lake 304-594-1313
- Dental Clinic 304-293-5831
- Pain Treatment Center 304-598-6216
- Heart Institute 304-598-4954
- Spine Center 304-296-6325
Toll Free
- UHA Scheduling 800-842-3627
- Cheat Lake 800-594-1313
- Family Medicine 800-983-6362
Ruby Numbers
- Admissions 304- 598-4146
- EKG 304- 598-4265
- Emergency Dept. 304-598-4172
- Employee Health 304-598-4160
- Film Room 304-598-4794
- HR 304-598-4075
- Information 304- 598-4000
- Parking 304-598-4029
- Ruby HIM 304-598-4109
- Same Day Surgery 304-598-6200
- Social Services 304-598-4126
- Wheelchairs 304-598-4107
- X-Ray 304-598-4250
Other Important Numbers
- Temporary Privileges
- Medical Staff Affairs 304-598-4156
- Ellen Seese 304-598-4156
- Payroll 304-598-4088
- Employee Health 304-598-4160
- Hospital ID card
Cathy Patterson 304-293-6924
- Epic/Merlin
Sign on information 304-598-4093
- PACS (electronic x-ray viewing)
- Medical Staff Affairs 304-598-4160
- HPF 304-598-4093
(electronic data of scanned hand-written records)
- Optio 304-598-4093
(resource for forms to print)
- Dictation system access 304- 598-4114
- Parking Permit 304-293-5502
- TID (long distance access code)