Research (Clinical)
LOCATION: West Virginia University School of Medicine, Morgantown, Charleston or Eastern Division campuses, West Virginia
DURATION: 1 month minimum and maximum
OFFERED: By arrangement with the individual faculty member AND approval of Committee on Academic and Professional Standards (CAPS)
STATUS: Elective
To provide an opportunity for the student to participate in clinical research.
Methods to Achieve Objectives
The student will arrange a research project with the faculty preceptor of his/her choice. The student must complete a research proposal form with the appropriate signatures and submit said proposal to the Committee on Academic and Professional Standards (CAPS) for review and final approval.
Examination Procedures and Evaluation Criteria
Available from the preceptor. Research electives are applied to CCMD 841 and are limited to 4 credits (4 weeks). Students may participate in ongoing longitudinal research without credits being applied towards elective credits as a graduation requirement.