Jenny Timmons

Why did you choose the WVU School of Medicine to continue your training?
It's a small program for individualized training.
What would you tell your MS1 self as you look back on where you started in medical school?
You will get where you want to be and you just have to survive those topics you don't enjoy to then focus on the parts you do enjoy.
What’s been your most memorable experience at WVU or in Morgantown so far?
Successfully intubating my first micro-premie.
What’s next after you complete your training? Where do you hope to practice?
Not sure yet. I enjoy working with residents, so I may work in an academic setting, but I also enjoy what community hospitals and private practice offers.
Who are your supporters, and what would you tell them?
My mom has been the biggest supporter. She has helped me through every obstacle and continues to cheer me on with my accomplishments. I would tell her thank you, I couldn't have done it without you (but I already tell her that).
What’s interesting about your specialty?
We work with really small babies that overcome so many obstacles to go home with families with minimal issues.
How would you describe the culture of your program?
My program director is so supportive and truly looks out for me. I can go to her with any concerns, including home life stresses, and I know she will help me however she can.
Tell us something unique or interesting about yourself that others may not know. Hobbies, talents, superlatives, etc.
I enjoy singing. I also like to do puzzles, play board games, and play mini golf.