Ife Fuwape

What is your hometown, state/province and country?
I am from Ogun, Nigeria.
Undergraduate degree in what subject? From where? Other degrees?
I have a bachelor’s degree in Nursing from West Virginia University and I am currently pursuing my master’s degree in Health Sciences at West Virginia University.
Why did you choose that program? Is there an experience you’ve had that made you realize you want to choose this profession?
Growing up, I always cared about people and have always been fascinated with how the body works. My experiences in life and in my community have greatly shaped my decision for the healthcare field.
My grandfather suffered from stroke when I was seven years old and I watched him go from bedridden to walking around with minimal assistance. My mother on the other hand suffered from complications from a hysterectomy that almost claimed her life. I watched so many people in my medically underserved community go years without any attention to their health. These experiences intensified my drive to be a physician and to help the underserved populations wherever I go. The better option for me to attain my goals of being a physician while using my caring nature in the healthcare field was to go through nursing school first. I thereafter went for the master’s degree in Health Sciences to further improve my science background and prepare me for medical school.
Why did you choose WVU?
I chose WVU because at that time, my brother was a student at WVU and had so many great things to say about his experience there. I watched him shine and stand out excellently in his academics and I also wanted to be a part of that experience. I must say that I have not been disappointed.
What would you tell prospective students about your experience at WVU?
My experience in WVU has been all-encompassing. WVU has been a tremendous facilitator for my exponential growth academically, culturally, spiritually and in every aspect of life.
Have you had any particular professors or faculty members who have made an impact on you while at WVU? If so, how?
I have gone through two programs here at WVU, so I have had a great number of professors and faculty members who have created a lasting impact on me. I remember my first employment at WVU was through my nursing department as a student worker. Program manager Kim Mccourt and assistant dean Misti Woldemikael were very encouraging and supportive of my medical aspirations. Even though I was just a student, they always made time to talk with me and supported me while combining both nursing and pre-med classes. I had great professors like Kelly Jenkins, Susan Pinto and Daniel Defeo who pushed me mentally and ultimately broadened my knowledge while in nursing school. The program coordinator of my M.S. in Health Sciences program, Dr. Linda Davis, has been very instrumental in preparing me for medical school. She is always very open and honest with getting us ready for whatever might come our way.
What are you hoping to do next in your career?
I will be starting medical school next fall at Marshall University in Huntington, West Virginia. My two top specialties of choice currently are anesthesiology and family medicine. I believe I would get more clarity as to which I would go for when I get more exposure to the different specialties in medical school. My goal is to ultimately work in medically underserved areas and I know through the different counties I have volunteered in that there quite a lot of underserved areas in the state of West Virginia. I would love to give back to this state which has given me the opportunity to attain my goals in life. I aspire to someday open either a pain clinic or a family practice clinic to further help communities attain optimum healthcare.
Tell me something unique or interesting about you that others may not know?
I love to sing in my free time and I have been in a wonderful choir called “living spring melody” for six years (Summer 2011 – Summer 2017)
Is there anything else that you think prospective students would want to know?
I would encourage prospective students to stay true to their dreams, stay positive and see the big picture. Try taking daily small steps of hard work, commitment and perseverance to achieve your goals.