Kourtnie McQuillen

“I have always felt very passionate about women’s rights and loved the idea of being an advocate for those that are underserved.”
Why did you choose to become a doctor? Was there a specific “a-ha” kind of moment?
My undergraduate degree was actually in nursing and I worked as a nurses’ aid throughout college. This gave me my first insights into the health care system and I quickly realized that although I enjoyed close patient contact, I desired to function in a different capacity. Upon graduation I immediately enrolled in a post-baccalaureate program to begin taking the science prerequisites for medical school.
What in your educational experience and training stood out to you, and what advice would you share with medical students who are in that position now?
During my third and fourth year clerkships I worked one-on-one with attendings which afforded me many opportunities in the OR and delivery room that medical students typically do not get. While I learned so much working directly with my attendings, I do feel like I missed out a bit not working with resident teams. I would take the time to understand how the resident teams function and understanding the role of each player on the team.
Why did you choose your specialty? Does it have any special significance for West Virginia?
I have always felt very passionate about women’s rights and loved the idea of being an advocate for those that are underserved. It was a very easy choice for me. I love being able to take care of women during such an incredible and vulnerable time in their lives. There is truly nothing else I would rather do!
Why did you choose to come to West Virginia University for your training?
I am very close to my family who live in Johnstown, Pennsylvania. I strongly desired to be as close as possible to them.
What’s the best thing about doing what you do?
There is nothing more joyful that bringing babies into the world!
What are your aspirations while at WVU?
My aspirations during residency include providing excellent care for women and to serve as a mentor and friend to the residents and medical students beneath me.
Tell us something unique about you that others may not know.
I used to be a wedding singer.
What’s the best kept secret in Morgantown?
The rail trail system.