Pediatric Hematology / Oncology

LOCATION:  CAMC Women and Children's Hospital -Charleston, West Virginia
PRECEPTOR: Department of Pediatrics Faculty
DURATION:  2 or 4 weeks
OFFERED: Continuously
STATUS: Elective


  1. Learn how to approach the diagnostic work-up and treatment of hematology and oncology patients in a logical manner.
  2. To recognize the morphology of normal and abnormal cells;
  3. To understand the basic therapeutic principles and chemotherapeutic agents in the care of pediatric oncology patients;
  4. To attain an understanding of the psychosocial aspects of the management of children with fatal diseases.

Methods to Achieve Objectives

Active participation in work-up and follow-up on pediatric hematologic and oncologic patients in the wards and in the clinics; daily rounds and slide reviews of patients under treatment; review of teaching slide collections; attendance at, and participation in, hematology conferences; preparation of an in-depth study and report on a topic in pediatric hematology/oncology.

Examination Procedures and Evaluation Criteria

Available in department.

Pre-Rotation Instructions

WVU/Visiting Students -Contact 4th year Coordinator for preceptor information and time to report one week prior. (Visiting students must attend an Orientation before beginning rotations at CAMC; you will receive detailed Orientation information one week prior to your start date)