Van Liere Research Day
Edward J. Van Liere, M.D., Ph.D.

"Father of the WVU Medical Center".
Edward J. Van Liere, M.D. was known as the "Father of the WVU Medical Center". He received his M.D. from Harvard Medical School and his Ph.D. from the University of Chicago.
Dr. Van Liere served as the Dean of the School of Medicine from 1937 until 1960. Dr. Van Liere developed the two-year medical school into a four-year accredited program. He was also a consultant to Surgeon General of the United States. Van Liere Memorial Convocation and HSC Research Day is named in his honor.
E.J. Van Liere Memorial Convocation & HSC Research Day Occurs Each Spring

2017 Van Liere Poster Winners
Tanya Dilan - “Bardet-Biedl syndrome-8 (BBS8) is essential for morphogenesis of photoreceptor outer segments”
Skye Hickling - “JNK signaling controls the guided migration of cortical interneurons through nucleokinesis and leading process dynamics”
Ashley Brandebura - “Single Cell RNA-Sequencing of a Developing Neural Circuit”
Abigail Moye - “ARL2BP, a ciliary protein, controls the growth of photoreceptor microtubular axonemes, organ positioning, and sperm motility.”
Yuriy Loskutov - “Primary cilium points at LPA signaling as a novel therapeutic target in GBM”