Newborn Nursery

The inpatient newborn rotation is a block-long inpatient experience that takes place at WVU Medicine’s Children Hospital.  It is a state-of-the-art facility for women and children located within Ruby Memorial.  It is projected by 2020, the new Women’s and Children’s Hospital will move into a new tower.

As part of a team, including pediatricians and APPs, you will become proficient in the evaluation and management of intra-partum monitoring, post-delivery monitoring and care, newborn exam, parent education on early life, acute management of illnesses in newborns, and appropriate neonatal life support training and neonatal intensive care transfers. WVU Medicine Women’s and Children’s Hospital has maternal fetal medicine specialists, and regularly manages and delivers high risk obstetric patients.  As such, you will gain additional training in the management of newborns with fetal abnormalities and neonatal abstinence syndrome.