Pediatric Anesthesiology
LOCATION: Ruby Memorial Hospital, Morgantown, West Virginia
PRECEPTOR: Christopher Deskins, MD
DURATION: 2 weeks minimum
OFFERED: Continuously
STATUS: Elective
- Our objective is to allow senior medical students, especially those interested in anesthesiology, to have a more in depth experience into the specialty of pediatric anesthesiology. This will help students better develop acute care skills as it pertains to the pediatric population.
- Skills may include airway management and respiratory support, invasive and non-invasive monitoring, and cardiovascular support and resuscitation. By the end of the elective, students should be able to perform an intubation, LMA insertion and IV placement on pediatric patients.
- Students will learn to monitor vital signs through the duration procedures and be able to discuss the difference between adult and pediatric physiology and equipment and drug selection.
Methods to Achieve Objectives
- Hands on experience in pediatric anesthesiology
- Rotation through different anesthetic locations for pediatric anesthesia – Offsite , Ambulatory, main operating room, cardiac and MRI.
- Intra operative education.
Examination Procedures and Evaluation Criteria
Daily observation. Daily attendance and one night or evening of pediatric anesthesia call.
Pre-Rotation Instructions
Contact Dr. Christopher Deskins, at least two weeks prior to start date of rotation.