Advanced Studies in Human Reproduction
LOCATION: West Virginia University Center for Reproductive Medicine, Morgantown, WV
PRECEPTORS: Ryan Heitmann, DO, Shon Rowan, MD, and Richard Meter, MD
DURATION: 2 weeks minimum
OFFERED: Intermittently by arrangement - Must be approved
STATUS: Elective
This course is designed to augment student's understanding of gynecologic endocrinology, infertility, and assisted reproductive technologies.
Methods to Achieve Objectives
Students will participate in the work-up and care of patients with infertility, endocrine, or developmental disorders involving reproduction. The student will acquire a conceptual knowledge of the underlying pathophysiologic mechanisms that cause these disorders, thus allowing them to formulate and participate in the evaluation and therapy of these patients.
Examination Procedures and Evaluation Criteria
Student evaluation by the instructors will be based on close supervision of daily performance. Students choosing the 4 week elective will be assisted in preparing a formal paper involving original work or literature review or assistance in establishing reproductive study modules which will be utilized by other students.
Pre-Rotation Instructions
Contact two weeks prior to rotation start date.