Amy Yester, M.D.

“My favorite part of the program was the early access to clinical care. I was matched with a family practice and attended during my first year. The doctor I worked with had a focus in her practice on woman’s health. It was then that I realized my interest was in woman's health.”
What made you want to get your M.D. degree from WVU?
I received my undergrad from WVU in Biology, class of 2002. For medical school, I wanted to be close to home and the in-state school tuition made WVU an attractive option.
What made you want to become a doctor? Is there an experience you had that made you realize why you chose this profession?
I always had an interest in sciences starting in grade school/high school. I especially enjoyed anatomy classes and learning dissections.
What was your favorite part of the M.D. program?
My favorite part of the program was the early access to clinical care. I was matched with a family practice and attended during my first year. She had a focus in her practice on woman’s health. It was then that I realized my interest was in woman's health.
What memory stands out the most from your time in medical school?
The memory that stands out the most is our class. There was lots of support from my fellow classmates. We were a pretty social bunch as well and it made medical school fun. I still keep in touch with many of them.
How did WVU shape you into the doctor that you are now?
Being able to see people from all walks of life. While taking into account the available resources to help different people - not all patients have access to everything. Learning how to be creative and problem solve with what we have.
Where did you do your residency?
I met my husband, Marc, during our first year of medical school. We married between our third and fourth year and couples matched to Wake Forest University for residency.
What do you do now?
I am an OB/Gyn in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Why did you want to go into that type of medicine?
I love the mix of office, operating room and hospital work. Each day is a new adventure!
What do you find most interesting about that area of medicine?
Taking care of woman throughout their lifespan - teens to elderly. Also, supporting them through their motherhood journey, mostly happy but also being there in times of heartache.
Do you stay connected with any fellow alums-- if so, how do you connect?
I follow many on social media platforms, I also run into a fair amount at WVU games.