Jenna Sizemore

1. What made you decide to get your MD degree and be a part of the MedStep program at WVU? What part of the program was appealing to you?
I was interested in contributing to the state where I grew up. I also felt that it was a good place to go to school and that I would have the opportunity to give back to my community. Morgantown feels like home to me. The early decision with the MedStep programhelped me achieve my goal of getting into medical school, and I was able to meet a lot of the faculty at WVU before I made my final decision. When I was an undergraduate student at Shepherd University, I had the opportunity to go to Guatemala with the Eastern Campus through MedStep, and I was able to see WVU's commitment to International Health.
2. Now that you are in the MD degree program. What is your favorite part?
I like the emphasis on community service because it helps me feel like my degree is worthwhile. It's nice to know that the time I put into school enables me doing something good with the things I've learned.
3. What made you want to become a doctor?
I've known that I wanted to be a doctor since I was six years old when my pediatrician gave me stitches. I think it's a worthwhile profession to be able to try and make someone feel better.
4. Medical school takes up a lot of time. How do you balance school, home, and social life?
I make sure I take part of the day for fun things that enables me to just zone out and enjoy myself. You need a balance in your life.
5. Do you think the community service requirement is beneficial to the program? How so?
Yes, you get a lot of exposure to different areas of medicine through community service. It is an added benefit to the curriculum. It puts the amount of time you spend on school into perspective.
6. Are you involved in any student organizations? If so, do you think they have added to your experiences, and how so?
I have recently taken over president of Physicians for Human Rights. It has added to my experience; I have been able to make a lot of contacts and have broadened my career goals from the issues that the organization brings. PHR is able to bring up issues in medicine that you never hear about from any of your classes.
7. What are your goals after graduating?
To get a job; I don't know what field I want to go into, but most likely will end up doing something in global health. I believe that when you learn specific skills related to medicine you should help people that do not have adequate healthcare so that you can make a little difference in their life. I want to help people receive access to health care.
8. What is your favorite thing to do outside of school?
I love to be outside and do anything outdoors. Free running is my newest hobby.
9. Do you have any advice for anyone who wants to attend medical school?
If it is truly what you want to do, I think it is a very rewarding career. Shadow doctors and make sure it is what you want to do before you make the commitment to attend medical school.
10. What was so appealing about the MedStep program? Would you recommend it to someone else?
Yes, the program is designed to help you get into medical school. It helps the process along and gives you additional exposures to medicine before medical school while you complete your undergraduate studies. It helps you become more focused.