David Zekan

1. What made you want to get your MD degree at WVU?
I’m from Charleston, West Virginia and I had family that went to medical school at WVU. I went to college out of state and I was ready to come back. The MD degree will give me the opportunity to acquire skills and interact with people in a meaningful way. I am interested in surgery and actively using my hands to make a difference for people.
2. How did going to Washington and Lee prepare you for Medical School?
The smaller class sizes, rigorous academics, and the demanding course load all prepare me for medical school. I also took on some positions like being a Resident Assistant and worked for our sober driving programs that prepared me to deal with a lot of responsibility. The different leadership roles made me interact with people from different backgrounds.
3. So far, what is your favorite part of the MD program?
I like the challenge. I am forced to interact with people that I do not always see eye to eye with because we have different backgrounds. I am also challenged academically and socially as well. These skills I am learning will help me serve my patients from different backgrounds. We have a lot of people in the class and I am learning from each of them different skills that will help me become a better doctor.
4. What made you want to become a doctor?
My dad is a doctor and I grew up around the medical field. I saw it as an opportunity to touch people around me. I also realized that I could help change the world around me. People have respect for physicians and their opinions go beyond just medicine.
5. How do you think your 3rd and 4th clinical years will be unique since you are part of the Charleston Campus?
It is in the southern part of the state and a different town. It will expose me to different types of patients than the other campuses. I will have a unique rural experience compared those in Morgantown. I will see more of the under-served patients of the state. Charleston is also more of a young adult town.
6. What is the best part of the community service requirement?
The opportunity to help those in the community that you view as most under-served with your classmates. You get to know the individuals being served and classmates better through service. There is something about being out of your element and helping others that is wonderful. You also learn about your classmates when they are in uncomfortable situations.
7. Did the programs orientation week help you get to know your classmates, faculty/staff, and get you acquainted with Morgantown before classes officially started?
It helped me get to know my classmates, the core faculty, and the deans. Being in a different environment than the classroom. It also helped me get familiar with the Health Sciences Center Campus and the main part of Morgantown.
8. Do you have any advice for anyone thinking about medical school?
Be committed to medicine. It is a big commitment and responsibility. Make sure you know this is what you want to do. It is the best decision I have ever made.
9. What activities help keep you a well-balanced medical student?
I like to go white water kayaking, run, hike, and mountain bike when I am here in Morgantown. When I am at home I like to hunt, fish and work on the farm. I enjoy getting outside and not being afraid to remove myself from the campus when I get a chance too.
10. So far, which wellness event has been your favorite?
The Snowball because it gave the entire class an opportunity to unwind together. We had some faculty and the Deans together in a relaxed environment. Having real conversations about life and not just about matching and academics was great. Being asked how you were doing and being able to give an honest answer was also nice.
11. What plans do you have for the summer between first and second year?
I will be doing a trauma and acute care externship in Morgantown and I will also be doing research in Charleston with a faculty member. I also plan to serve as a leader on a service trip in Clay County with a group from my high school.
12. What are your goals after graduating?
I plan to do a general surgery residency.
Interviewed spring of 2017 (during the MS1 curriculum)