Emily Wheeler

What made you want to get your MD degree at WVU?
1. I liked that WVU was close to home. I am from western Pennsylvania and it was a natural thing to come here. The culture is similar to what I grew up with. Also, when I came for my interview I was struck by how kind everyone was here. I thought that WVU just had us meet all the nice people that day, but I got here and I realized that everyone genuinely cares about each other. The school even stresses that we are a family and they admit students that share that mindset.
2. As an out of state student how did you hear about WVU?
My mentor in college had some colleagues here at the medical school and suggested that I apply. She has a high respect for those that she worked with that are at the WVU School of Medicine. She also thought that I would be a great fit.
3. So far, what is your favorite part of the MD program?
I have really enjoyed meeting so many different physicians from various fields of medicine that have given lectures and allowed us first year students to shadow. We have really gotten a good taste of the fields in medicine during our first year and it has allowed us to see what is out there for us.
4. What made you want to become a doctor?
One of my best friends when I was a child had a chronic illness and when we were younger I just remember he would get sick and go to the hospital. They would make him better and he would come home. It showed me how people can make a difference.
5. How do you think your 3rd and 4th clinical years will be unique since you are part of the Morgantown Campus?
I have already made connections with physicians in Morgantown and that can help improve my experience in my 3rd and 4th years of this curriculum. I have already established a rapport and a support system from the physicians and professors in Morgantown. Those will be good resources for me to have.
6. As someone who has done mission trips before medical school, what do you think about the community service requirement?
It is a phenomenal requirement. I did not realize how important it was until I was feeling burned out towards the middle of first semester and then I did service with Project REACH. I was pumped up and ready to get back to studying when I was finished that day. It was good to take some time talking to those with medical conditions since it that is why I went to medical school. It helps keep you focused on your goal. It also teaches us how to to take time out of our busy schedules to serve so we can continue doing this after we graduate.
7. Did the programs orientation week help you get to know your classmates, faculty/staff, and get you acquainted with Morgantown before classes officially started?
It was great! Without that and all the small group activities we did during first year, it would have been difficult to get to know as many of my classmates as I have on such a personal level. They are more than just a face because of that.
8. Do you have any advice for anyone thinking about medical school?
Make sure that this is what you love-- what you cannot live without doing. It is tough, but if you keep your goal in mind and always remember why you want to do it, you will succeed.
9. What activities help keep you a well-balanced medical student?
I found a good church family here in Morgantown. In addition to that I have found a few fellow students that share my faith and we get together to do things frequently. I also enjoy playing the piano and working out.
10. So far, which wellness event has been your favorite?
I have enjoyed the ice cream socials and the snowball. It is a chance to get to know people outside of the classroom environment.
11. What plans do you have for the summer between first and second year?
I will be doing a rural track externship in June during which i will be working in a family medicine clinic and an emergency department. I will also be doing some research for family medicine during that externship. Other than that I plan on relaxing and spending time with my friends and family.
12. What are your goals after graduating?
I love emergency medicine. I see myself working in a rural area where I can really make a positive impact on my community. I would also love to do some community education to teach people about how they can improve their health.
Interviewed spring of 2017 (during the MS1 curriculum)