Curriculum / Rotations

Curriculum / Rotations

We offer one internship position in each of the following training tracks:

  • Clinical Health Psychology (APPIC Code #163913)
    • Emphasis Areas: Bariatrics, Transplant
  • Neuropsychology (APPIC Code #163914)
  • Child/Pediatric Psychology (APPIC Code #163911) 
    • Emphasis Areas: Child Clinical, Pediatrics, Neurodevelopment

We offer the ability to create an individualized training plan

Major Rotations: Each track is organized around training experiences through Major Rotations. Major rotations are 1.5 days per week. Interns complete 2 Major rotations per semester. Interns can elect to have a major rotation in their Area of Emphasis across both semesters (1.5 days per week for the year).

Minor rotations are also required and are designed to complement the skills learned in the major rotations and to round out the trainee’s clinical experiences. Interns will not compete for training experiences.

See links for descriptions:

Behavioral Medicine Major Rotations

Child Track Major Rotations

Neuropsychology Major Rotations

Minor Rotations