Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
LOCATION: Charleston Area Medical Center, Charleston, West Virginia
PRECEPTOR: Dr. Jessica Talley
DURATION: 2 or 4 weeks
OFFERED: Continuously
STATUS: Elective
Development of knowledge, effectiveness, and comfort in working with children, families and professionals within the realm of child psychiatry and pediatrics.
Methods to Achieve Objectives
Close working relationship with psychiatric staff doing intake evaluations, child, adolescent, and family psychotherapy, consultations to pediatrics, offering services for children, i.e., Shawnee Hills Mental Health Center, etc.
Examination Procedures and Evaluation Criteria
Available in the department.
Pre-Rotation Instructions
WVU Students: Please email Dr. Jessica Talley one week prior for time to meet in her office in B. Med – Vascular Building 5th floor, CAMC.
Visiting Students: You must attend Orientation prior to your first rotation. Please contact the 4th year coordinator prior.
- 4th year Coordinator – Charissa Davis