Currently Not Available
LOCATION: Berkeley Medical Center
DURATION: 1/2 month minimum
OFFERED: Continuously (limit of 6 rotations per year; must be coordinated through the Eastern Division Office of Student Services)MAXIMUM ENROLLMENT: 1 student
STATUS: Elective
To broaden the student's knowledge and experience in neurology; to strengthen the student's fundamental knowledge of neurobiology as it relates to problems in neurology and medicine.
Methods to Achieve Objectives
The student will function as a subintern and will be responsible for patients under supervision. Students will perform histories and neurological examinations on patients assigned to the student and will share in their care during their office visit, and or hospitalization. Student will assist in emergency room consultations both in the hospital and in the emergency room and will attend and participate in neurology grand rounds if offered.
Examination Procedures and Evaluation Criteria
Clinical evaluation by attending, attendance and participation in all assigned patient care activities and completion of assigned readings.
Pre-Rotation Instructions
You must contact the Office of Student Services, Eastern Division, two weeks prior to beginning of rotation to determine where to report. Phone: (304) 596-6312.