Emergency Medicine

LOCATIONS: Berkeley Medical Center & Jefferson Medical Center
PRECEPTOR: Dr. Bradley Mongold, MD; Dr. Marney Tresse, MD; and a WVU full time employee
DURATION: 1 month
OFFERED: Continuously (limit of 4 rotations per year; must be coordinated through the Eastern Division Office of Student Services)
STATUS: Elective


To acquaint medical students with all aspects of emergency medicine. This includes interaction with prehospital personnel, the triage system, as well as the care of patients of every age group with both major and

Methods to Achieve Objectives

The students will spend approximately 40 hours a week in the Emergency Department. Students are expected to take histories, perform physical exams, formulate differential diagnoses, participate in treatment, and help arrange patient disposition. In addition, the students can expect to perform several procedures which may include suturing, splinting, pelvic exams, slit lamp exams, lumbar punctures, etc. Students will be exposed to emergencies in pediatrics, trauma, surgery, gynecology, neurology, and medicine.

Examination Procedures and Evaluation Criteria

Clinical evaluation by attending, attendance and participation in all assigned patient care activities and completion of assigned readings. The student is expected to prepare a formal written history and physical on 2 or 3 patients they see in the Emergency Department and turn them into their attending. Formal evaluations are given at the end of the month based on clinical performance and patient write-ups.

Pre-Rotation Instructions

You must contact the Office of Student Services, Eastern Division, two weeks prior to beginning of rotation to determine where to report. Phone: (304) 596-6312. Email address: horstj@wvumedicine.org